The first time you call for each of your accounts and/or loans, your P.I.N. will be the last four digits of the social security or tax ID number of the name that appears first on your account. You will then be instructed to change your P.I.N. to a new four digit number that only you know.
main menu
acct info and funds transfer
rate info
how to use this system
community bulletin board

Account Selection Menu
Checking & Money Market Checking Account information
Savings & Money Market Savings Account information
Loan Account information
Certificates of Deposits (CD) & Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) information
transfer funds
return to account selection menu

Checking and Money Market menu
previous account transactions
deposit information
specific transaction inquiry

inquire by check number
inquire by amount
return to checking and money market menu
repeat inquiry menu

insufficient funds list
interest information
change your pin
return to account selection menu

Savings information menu
previous account transactions
deposit information
inquiry by amount (savings)
interest information (savings)
change your pin
return to account selection menu
repeat savings menu

Loan Information menu
current loan balance
your payment amount
pay-off information
last payment date
next payment date
interest information
change your pin
return to account selection menu
repeat loan information menu

Funds Transfer menu (from account)
transfer funds from checking or savings account
return to account selection menu
repeat funds transfer

Funds Transfer menu (send to other account)
transfer funds to checking or savings account
return to account selection menu
repeat funds transfer

Rate Information menu
checking and savings accounts rates
cerificates of deposit rates
money market account rates
Individual retirement accounts (IRA) rates
return to account selection menu
repeat rate information